CPD Homes - all you need to know
If you’re an Australian doctor, you’ve probably heard about CPD Homes. But what are they, and what does this mean for you and your registration process?
CPD Homes
The Medical Board of Australia now requires all doctors, with the exception of those in their first and second post-graduate year (PGY1-2, interns), specialist international graduates and specialist trainees, to be members of a formally accredited CPD Home. 2023 will be a transition year - by 2024 however, you’ll need to nominate a CPD Home.
All Australasian colleges are accredited to be CPD Homes for their fellows and members. Other non-college agencies will be accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) to provide CPD Home services during 2023.
A CPD Home is a program that outlines specific objectives for your learning in any one year. There are core requirements that are consistent across all CPD Homes, including those provided by the colleges. These include :
A documented Personal Development Plan (PDP) for the current 12 month period
The completion of at least 50 hours of CPD activities, which are comprised of :
a minimum of 12.5 hours of Learning Activities
a minimum of 5 hours of Reviewing Performance
a minimum of 5 hours of Measuring Outcomes
a combined total of 25 hours for Monitoring Performance and Measuring Outcomes
the remaining time can be completed from any of these three categories
Your learning must also include activities focussing on Professionalism, Ethical Behaviour, Cultural Sensitivity and Addressing Health Inequalities
Finally, depending on the specialty program you choose, you also need to meet specific requirements over and above the basics (above), which are defined by that specialty college. These are known as Specialist High Level Requirements.
Where can I find a CPD Home?
CPD Homes can only be accredited by the Australian Medical Council. In addition to Osler, other CPD Homes (such as the colleges) are listed on the AMC and Medical Board website.
When do I need a CPD Home by?
2023 is a transition year from the old Medical Board of Australia guidelines to the new requirements. You do not need to register with a CPD Home until 2024.
However, all doctors must notify AHPRA of their CPD Home when they complete their registration in 2024
Is Osler a CPD Home?
Yes, Osler is an accredited CPD Home for all doctors (including specialists) who require a CPD Home under the Medical Board’s CPD requirements.
Do I need to use my college CPD Home if I’m a specialist?
You can use any CPD Home you choose, as long as it meets the Specialist High-level Requirements over and above the generic criteria listed above. Each college has defined the Specialist High-level Requirements for that specialty.
If you choose a non-college CPD Home you will need to check carefully to ensure that it meets the Specialist High-level Requirements.