Content Catalogue
Osler has something for everyone. Here's just some of the great modules you can currently access on Osler.
Basic Skills
Basic Handwashing and Sterile Technique
This module will demonstrate the techniques required to prepare for a sterile procedure, such as the insertion of a central venous catheter or a lumbar puncture. It covers handwashing technique, and a closed method for donning a sterile gown and gloves.
Priming an IV fluid line
This module provides the required knowledge to prime an IV line for the first time under supervision. In this module you’ll learn about how to prime and label an IV line, how to reduce risk of errors, and what information is required for documentation.
Subcutaneous Injection
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to administer a medication via subcutaneous injection. In this module you’ll cover preparation of the drug, drug safety principles and the technique for administration.
Intramuscular injection
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to perform an intramuscular injection for the first time under supervision. You’ll cover recommended IM landmarks, how to reduce the risk of drug errors, and how to safely prepare and administer an IM injection.
Investigations and Monitoring
ACquisition of an electrocardiograph
Acquiring an electrocardiogram is a common procedure within the acute care setting and is used as a vital assessment tool in clinical management of the patient. In this module you’ll cover the procedure for a standard, posterior, and right-sided electrocardiogram, as well as tips for troubleshooting common problems
Venipuncture for blood sampling
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to collect a venous blood sample using a closed system. In this module you’ll learn about selection of the site and vein, equipment preparation, patient education, positioning and analgesia, the steps in collecting the blood sample, and how to conduct a post-procedural assessment of the patient.
Radial Arterial Blood Gas Sampling
This module provides the fundamental knowledge to undertake a radial arterial puncture to obtain an arterial blood gas (ABG) sample. In this module you’ll cover the indications and complications of a radial ABG sample, the procedural steps, and the documentation requirements. For information on how to interpret and analyse ABG results, refer to the Osler module Introduction to Arterial Blood Gas Analysis.
Peak FLow Monitoring and Interpretation
This module provides the knowledge required to perform a peak flow and interpret the results. You’ll cover what a peak flow assessment measures, the significance of the result, how to instruct a patient in the correct use, and recording of peak flow measurements.
Blood Culture Sampling
In this module you’ll learn about the indications and contraindications of blood culture sampling, equipment required, and the procedure for obtaining a venipuncture sample, using a closed system approach.
Basic Procedures
Intravenous Cannulation
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to insert an IVC under supervision for the first time. You’ll cover the indications for insertion, equipment required, how to prepare yourself and the patient, the procedure for inserting an IVC, and management of an IVC after insertion.
Basic Suturing
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to repair a wound with basic suturing. In this module you’ll cover wound types and indications for suturing, skin anatomy, the four principles of suturing, suture placement and knot technique, and complications of suturing. You’ll see videos of the suture technique and learn about how to protect the wound post-procedure.
Indwelling Urinary Catheter
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to insert an IDC in either a male or female. You’ll cover the indications, selection of an appropriate size and type of catheter, equipment and patient preparation, and the procedural steps.
Nasogastric Tube Insertion
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to insert a nasogastric tube under supervision for the first time. You’ll cover the indications for insertion, equipment required, how to prepare yourself and the patient, the procedure for inserting an NGT, assessment of placement, and nursing management of a NGT.
Resuscitation Skills
Basic Life Support Introduction
Basic Life Support Introduction
Adult resuscitation steps should be followed according to the BLS algorithm. In this module you’ll cover the indications for initiating BLS, a detailed overview of the BLS algorithm within an acute care setting, and an overview of the Chain of Survival.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Effective and early implementation of the four inter-related steps that make up the Chain of Survival will improve survival rates post cardiac arrest. This module looks at the first 2 steps of the ‘chain’, early recognition and early CPR.
Manual Defibrillation
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to manually defibrillate a patient in a cardiac arrest situation. This module covers the equipment required, preparation of yourself and the patient, including correct positioning of pads, and the steps to conduct the defibrillation safely.
Basic Airway Management
Basic Airway Management
This module covers techniques and adjuncts used to provide basic airway management in the unconscious patient.
Automated External Defibrillation
Improved patient outcomes from early defibrillation for ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia is well recognised. This module looks at the theory underpinning early defibrillation, and the procedure for turning on and following the AED verbal prompts.
These online simulated resuscitation scenarios are designed to further develop your understanding life support theory. Each module presents realistic, real-time scenarios for you to manage, along with feedback tailored to your performance.
Vascular procedures
Ultrasound for Vascular Device Insertion
This module will provide knowledge fundamental to the process of inserting a vascular device under ultrasound. This module includes theoretical information about ultrasound, a basic understanding of correctly configuring your ultrasound machine, and the techniques used.
Arterial Line Insertion
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to insert an Arterial Line under supervision for the first time. You’ll cover indications for Arterial Lines, basic steps for insertion, three common methods and potential complications and pitfalls
Internal Jugular Central Line
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to perform the insertion of PICC line under supervision for the first time. You'll cover the indications, anatomy of the Basilic Vein and the procedure technique, as well as some of the common complications.
Femoral Vein Central Line
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to insert a Central Venous Catheter (CVC) into the Internal Jugular Vein, under supervision for the first time. You’ll learn about the anatomy of the Internal Jugular Vein, the preparation required prior to commencing the procedure, and the procedural steps. Note: To undertake this module, you must have completed preliminary modules on Seldinger technique, and Ultrasound for insertion of Vascular Devices
Seldinger Technique
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to use the Seldinger technique to insert a catheter or device.
PICC Insertion
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to perform the insertion of PICC line under supervision for the first time. You'll cover the indications, anatomy of the Basilic Vein and the procedure technique, as well as some of the common complications.
Subclavian Vein Central Line
This module provides the procedural learning content for the insertion of a Central Venous Catheter (CVC) into the Subclavian Vein. In this module you’ll learn about the anatomy the Subclavian Vein, the preparation required prior to commencing, and the process by which the CVC is inserted. Note: To undertake this module, you must have completed preliminary modules on Seldinger technique, and Ultrasound for insertion of Vascular Devices
Airway Management and Anaesthesia
Laryngeal Mask Insertion
This module provides fundamental knowledge required to insert an LMA under supervision for the first time. You’ll cover indications for an LMA, basic steps for insertion and potential complications and pitfalls
Bougie Intubation
The use of a bougie can turn a very difficult intubation into an easy one. In this module, we’ll demonstrate to you some basic techniques and pointers required to perform a bougie intubation for the first time, under supervision. You'll cover the indications, the “anatomy of a bougie” and the procedure technique
Intubation is a commonly used skill in theatre, prehospital, critical care and emergency environments. This module covers the theory required to perform direct laryngoscopy to facilitate endotracheal intubation under supervision for the first time
Assisting with procedures
Assisting Bougie Intubation
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to assist in an intubation facilitated by the use of a bougie. You'll cover your role in the intubation, the indications, the “anatomy of a bougie” and the procedure technique
Assisting Central Venous Line
This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to assist in the insertion of a CVC. You'll cover the setup of the required trays; positioning, preparation, monitoring and assessment of the patient; and post-procedural tasks including disposal of used items, documentation, and monitoring for complications
Management of the critically ill
Arterial Blood Gas Analysis - Introduction
In this module you’ll cover the basic concepts upon which interpretation is based including assessing oxygenation, ascertaining if and why an acid-base disorder exists, determining if the patient is compensating for the disorder, and calculating the Anion Gap
Transporting a ventilated patment
This module provides the fundamental knowledge to safely transport ventilated patients around or between hospitals for therapy or investigation. Transporting a ventilated patient exposes them to significant risk, so it is vital to understand this process well. You’ll cover basic preparation, how to transport the patient safely, and some of the common complications
Emergency procedures
Needle Decompression of Pneumothorax
The development of a tension pneumothorax is a clinical emergency. Without immediate treatment, the patient will deteriorate quickly and may die. This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to perform a needle decompression for the first time under supervision, including the indications and the step-by-step process
Intraosseous Needle Insertion
Intraosseous (IO) access is a useful technique for gaining access to the systemic circulation, when venous access is difficult or impossible, resulting in delayed management in life threatening and emergency situations. This module provides the fundamental knowledge required to insert an IO, including indications, equipment preparation, procedural steps and post-operative care
Equipment certifications
Fisher & Paykel AIRVO 2
The module provides detailed instructions for the initiation and management of the Fisher and Paykel AIRVO 2, including patient benefits of AIRVO 2 therapy, the process of setting up the AIRVO 2, Interface choice, managing AIRVO 2 settings and alarms, nursing management of the patient, as well as disinfecting and cleaning process between patients
ARROW EZ-IO Intraosseous Drill
This module provides instructions for the use of the Arrow® EZ-IO® Intraosseous Vascular Access System. It should be undertaken in conjunction with the Intraosseous Insertion module
Journal Reviews
Osler journal review modules are the ideal way to stay up-to-date.
Designed for the busy clinician with little time to spare, our reviews provide a concise summary in an engaging and interactive format. Branch-out slides allow you to access more information if you wish, or you can skim through the key points in a matter of minutes. You can then test your knowledge in our quiz to capture points for your Continuing Professional Development program.
Journal Review Modules are written and peer reviewed by senior clinicians and researchers from across the globe.
CPD points are captured automatically in the CPD activities tab, so you can easily report and export your activity.
If you'd like to participate in the Journal Review Modules please email
SPLIT - Saline versus buffered fluids in ICU
Buffered fluids have a number of potential benefits, including the prevention of hyper-chloraemic acidosis, anda reduction in renal injury. But do they work? The SPLIT trial sought to find out.
TRACMAN - early versus delayed tracheostomy
The timing of tracheostomy in ICU patients has been contentious for decades. The TracMan trial set out to find out if early tracheostomy improved ventilation duration, complications or mortality.
WOman trial - tranexamic acid after Post partum haemorrhage
Post partum haemorrhage is a major cause of death in low-medium income countries. Simple, cost-effective therapies are needed to reduce mortality. The WOMAN trial set out to examine whether tranexamic acid may help.
Fluid and Catheter Treatment Trial (FACTT)
Is fluid balance important in the management of patients with ARDS? In theory at least, the drier the patient, the better their lung function, but does this come at the cost of haemodynamic instability or renal failure?
Haemorrhagic death from remains a major cause of death following severe trauma, particularly in low-middle income countries. Can a simple, cost effective intervention such as tranexamic acid actually reduce mortality?